sketch : 1) system by addressing access to the corresponding output channel acquisition within table cells, without affecting other collector output channels within table cells work 2) customizable security sy ...
sketch : the current central heating household control is difficult to achieve, resulting in difficulty in collecting heat in arrears and other outstanding problems, seriously affecting the heating efficiency ...
sketch : installed on each radiator electronic heat cost allocators, heat ban entrance install heat meters, heat metering management system reads the data on each radiator ban allocation table readings and a l ...
sketch : users install the indoor temperature controller, home heating hot water pipeline installation off the controller. they set the room temperature, room by room wireless controller to control the branch ...
sketch : local debugging: ban dispenser can be directly copied user data table and buildings by key operation, easy installation exception handling: ban dispenser with overload alarm overload lift the automati ...
sketch : the metering system to measure the whole building by heat and household indoor temperature and thermal area and assessed fees that heat consumption in accordance with the actual use of heat m ...
sketch : 1) flow temperature method of heat metering system flow coefficient and temperature coefficient as a user of thermal energy distribution based on household metering system 2) implementation process: t ...