heat metering method to allocate temperature control system -凯发天生赢家

series:intelligent software system


      the metering system to measure the whole building by heat and household indoor temperature and thermal area and assessed fees that heat consumption in accordance with the actual use of heat meters ban display, the indoor temperature according to households and residential area allocated to each household, in equal comfort principles degree heat cost price to pay to enjoy high-temperature multi-user payments, low temperature users pay less, which can reduce energy consumption and pay equity purposes.

the system uses the heat metering whole building and the room temperature according to different time periods to measure heat consumption, the total heat thermal heating enterprises according to ban fee charged by the calorimeter using the display, the user based on the measured temperature and the indoor area to allocate ban total calories table.
1) fairness
press and other real comfort equivalence principle to pay heat costs, pay much higher temperature, low temperature, pay less, relatively fair.
2) a high degree of automation
automation can adjust the temperature inside the building tenants, ready to show that households with heat and accumulated heat consumption, collection and transmission. central station realize parameter setting, data monitoring, statistical analysis and report printing process, improve the management level heating.
3) open interface
heating company data and billing center interfaces, the central station software can be an effective contact with the billing center, the collected temperature data and user ban calorimeter collected and aggregated statistics, and based on the time loudong calorimeter users heat and room temperature, area, heat apportioned, and outputting a corresponding monthly statements and a list of charges and other daily report, simple, saving manpower and resources.
4) user fees are apportioned according to ban total calories table
user fees are apportioned according to ban total calories table, we can address the gaps between heat loss and heating company household household metering payment problems.
5) can achieve thermal equilibrium between the floor and the user
the collected data summaries and statistics, and in accordance with the actual situation of the remote user to set the upper limit temperature, thereby balancing the whole building indoor temperature of each user. individual users refuse to pay, you can also control box stops its heating.
6) long life, low maintenance costs
the system uses wireless information communication technology, not in direct contact with the water, avoiding the heating system water quality impacts caused by inaccurate measurement, high maintenance costs of follow-up question, thus ensuring a longer life and lower maintenance costs.
7) personalized reports
system software with flexible printing functions, the system provides a variety of report styles, and the system according to user needs a custom form.
8) with automatic database backup feature
automatic database backup, enabling data to maximize recovery when a system failure.

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